- Felder, J. N., Mirchandaney, R., Manber, R., Cuneo, J., Krystal, A., Solomon, N., Janette, S., Zhang, L., Moran, P., Mashash, M., Epel, E., & Hecht, F. M. (2024). Feasibility and Acceptability of Mindfulness-based Stress Reduction and Prenatal Sleep Classes for Poor Prenatal Sleep Quality: Pilot Randomized Controlled Trial. Behavioral sleep medicine, 1–15. Advance online publication.
- McClelland, B., Ponting, C., Levy, C., Mah, R., Moran, P., Sobhani, N.C., Felder, J.N. (2024) Viewpoint: Challenges and strategies for engaging participants in video-conferencing appointments. Contemporary Clinical Trials, 137.
- Felder, J.N., Mirchandaney, R., Harrison, J., Manber, R., Cuneo, J., Krystal, A., Epel, E., & Hecht, F. (2022). Examining experiences of poor sleep during pregnancy: A qualitative study to inform the development of a prenatal sleep intervention. Global Advances in Health and Medicine.
- Felder, J.N., Epel, E.S., Neuhaus, J., Krystal, A.D., & Prather, A.A. (2022). Randomized controlled trial of digital cognitive behavior therapy for prenatal insomnia symptoms: Effects on postpartum insomnia and mental health. SLEEP, 45.
Editorial: Kalmbach, D.A. (2022). The emerging role of prenatal insomnia therapy in the prevention of perinatal depression and anxiety. SLEEP, zsac029.
- Parks, A., Duffecy, J., McCabe, J., Breman, R. Milgrom, J., Hirshler, Y., Gemmill, A., Segre, L., Felder, J.N., & Uscher-Pines, L. (Accepted). Lessons learned recruiting and retaining pregnant and postpartum individuals in digital trials. JMIR Pediatrics and Parenting.
- Karesek, D.K., … Felder, J.N., et al. (2021). The association of COVID-19 infection in pregnancy with preterm birth: A retrospective cohort study in California. The Lancet Regional Health – Americas, 2, 100027.
- Bandoli, G., Jelliffe-Pawlowski, L., Schumacher, B.T., Baer, R.J., Felder, J.N., Fuchs, J.D., Karasek, D., Oltman, S., Rand, L., Steuer-Muller, M., Marienfeld, C. (2021). Cannabis-related diagnosis in pregnancy and adverse maternal and infant outcomes. Drug and Alcohol Dependence.
- Felder, J.N., Epel, E., Coccia, M., Cordeiro, A., Laraia, B., Adler, N., Coleman-Phox, K., & Bush, N. (2020). Prenatal maternal objective and subjective stress exposures and rapid infant weight gain. Journal of Pediatrics, 222, 45-51.
- Felder, J.N., Epel, E.S., Neuhaus, J., Krystal, A.D., & Prather, A.A. (2020). Efficacy of digital cognitive behavior therapy for the treatment of insomnia symptoms among pregnant women: A randomized clinical trial. JAMA Psychiatry, 77 (5), 484-492.
- Segal, Z.V., Dimidjian, S., Beck, A., Boggs, J.M., Vanderkruik, R., Metcalf, C.A., Gallop, R., Felder, J.N., Levy, J. (2020). Outcomes of online mindfulness-based cognitive therapy for patients with residual depressive symptoms: A randomized clinical trial. JAMA Psychiatry, 77 (6), 563-573.
- Felder, J.N., Hartman, A.R., Epel, E.S., & Prather A.A. (2020). Pregnant patient perceptions of provider detection and treatment of insomnia. Behavioral Sleep Medicine, 18 (6), 787-796.
- Pantell, M.S., Baer, R.J., Torres, J., Felder, J.N., et al. (2019). Associations between unstable housing, obstetric outcomes, and perinatal health care utilization. American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology MFM, 1 (4).
- Felder, J.N., Roubinov, D., Bush, N., Coleman-Phox, K., Vieten, C., Laraia, B., Adler, N., & Epel, E. (2018). Effect of prenatal mindfulness training on depressive symptom severity through 18-months postpartum: A latent class analysis. Journal of Clinical Psychology, 74, 1117-1125.
- Roubinov, D., Felder, J.N., Vieten, C., Coleman-Phox, K., Laraia, B., Adler, N., Wilson, L., Epel, E., & Bush, N. (2018). Prenatal mindfulness, maternal depressive symptoms, and infant healthcare utilization. General Hospital Psychiatry, 53, 82-83.
- Felder, J.N., Epel, E., Lewis, J.B., Cunningham, S., Tobin, J.N., Schindler Rising, S., Thomas, M., & Ickovics, J.R. (2017). Depressive symptoms and gestational length among pregnant adolescents: Cluster randomized control trial of CenteringPregnancy Plus group prenatal care. Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology, 85, 574-584.
- Felder, J.N., Baer, R.J., Rand, L., Jelliffe-Pawlowski, L.L., & Prather, A.A. (2017). Sleep disorder diagnosis during pregnancy and risk of preterm birth. Obstetrics and Gynecology, 130, 573-581.
- Felder, J.N., Banchefsky, S., Park, B., & Dimidjian, S. (2017). Public attitudes about and warmth towards depressed perinatal women and men. Psychiatric Services, 68, 796-802.
- Felder, J.N., Epel, E.S., Coccia, M., Puterman, E., Prather, A.A. (2017). Effects of daily maladaptive coping on nightly sleep in mothers. Psychology and Health. Advance online publication.
- Kleiber, B.V., Felder, J.N., Ashby, B., Scott, S., Dean, J., & Dimidjian, S. (2017). Treating depression among adolescent perinatal women with a dialectical behavior therapy informed skills group. Cognitive and Behavioral Practice, 24, 416-427.
- Felder, J.N., Laraia, B., Coleman-Phox, K., Bush, N., Suresh, M., Thomas, M., Adler, N., Epel, E., & Prather, A. (2017). Poor sleep quality, psychological distress, and the buffering effect of mindfulness training during pregnancy. Behavioral Sleep Medicine, 16, 611-624.
- Felder, J.N., Segal, Z., Beck, A., Sherwood, N.E., Goodman, S., Boggs, J., Lemon, E., & Dimidjian, S. (2017). An open trial of web-based mindfulness-based cognitive therapy for perinatal women at risk for depressive relapse. Cognitive and Behavioral Practice, 24, 26-37.
- Dimidjian, S., Arch, J., Schneider, R., Desormeau, P., Felder, J.N., & Segal, Z.V. (2016). Considering meaning, meta-analysis, and metaphor: A systematic review and critical examination of “third wave” cognitive and behavioral therapies. Behavior Therapy, 47, 886-905.
- Felder, J.N., Lemon, E., Shea, K., Kripke, K., & Dimidjian, S. (2016). Role of Self-compassion in psychological well-being among perinatal women. Archives of Women’s Mental Health, 19, 687-690.
- Dimidjian, S., Goodman, S.H., Felder, J.N., Gallop, R., Brown, A., & Beck, A. (2016). Staying well during pregnancy and the postpartum: A pilot randomized trial of mindfulness-based cognitive therapy for the prevention of depressive relapse/recurrence. Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology, 84, 134-145.
- Dimidjian, S., Goodman, S.H., Felder, J.N., Gallop, R., Brown, A., & Beck, A. (2015). An open trial of mindfulness-based cognitive therapy for the prevention of perinatal depressive relapse/recurrence. Archives of Women’s Mental Health, 18, 85-94.
- Dimidjian, S., Beck, A., Felder, J.N., Boggs, J., Gallop, R., & Segal, Z., (2014). Web-based mindfulness-based cognitive therapy for reducing residual depressive symptoms: An open trial and quasi-experimental comparison to propensity score matched controls. Behaviour Research and Therapy, 63, 83-89.
- Felder, J.N., Dimidjian, S., & Segal, Z. (2014). Mindful Mood Balance: A case report of web-based treatment of residual depressive symptoms. The Permanente Journal, 18, 58-62.
- Boggs JM, Beck A, Felder JN, Dimidjian S, Metcalf CA, Segal ZV. (2014). Web-based intervention in mindfulness meditation for reducing residual depressive symptoms and relapse prophylaxis: a qualitative study. Journal of Medical Internet Research, 16.
- Felder, J.N., Smoski, M.J., Kozink, R.V., Froeliger, B., McClernon, J., Bizzell, J., Petty, C., & Dichter, G.S. (2012). Neural mechanisms of subclinical depressive symptoms in women: A pilot functional brain imaging study. BMC Psychiatry, 12.
- Dichter, G.S., Felder, J.N., Green, S.R., Rittenberg, A.M., Sasson, N.J. & Bodfish, J. (2012). Reward circuitry function in autism spectrum disorders. Social Cognitive and Affective Neuroscience, 7, 160-172.
- Dichter, G.S., Felder, J.N., & Smoski, M.S. (2010). The effects of brief behavioral activation therapy for depression on cognitive control in affective contexts: An fMRI investigation. Journal of Affective Disorders, 126, 236-244.
- Dichter, G.S., Sikich, L., Mahorney, S., Felder, J.N., Lam, K., Turner-Brown, L., & Bodfish, J. (2010). fMRI tracks reductions in repetitive behaviors in autism: two case studies. Neurocase, 16, 307-316.
- Dichter, G.S., Felder, J.N., & Bodfish, J.W. (2009). Autism is characterized by dorsal cingulate hyperactivation during social target detection. Social Cognitive and Affective Neuroscience, 4, 215-226.
- Dichter, G.S., Felder, J.N., Petty, C., Bizzell, J., Ernst, M., & Smoski, M.J. (2009). The effects of psychotherapy on neural responses to rewards in major depression. Biological Psychiatry, 66, 886-897.
- Dichter, G.S., Felder, J.N., & Smoski, M.J. (2009). Affective context interferes with cognitive control in unipolar depression: an fMRI investigation. Journal of Affective Disorders, 114, 131-142.
- Dichter, G.S., Bodfish, J., Felder, J.N., Sikich, L., & Belger, A. (2009). Mapping social target detection with fMRI. Social Cognitive and Affective Neuroscience, 4, 59-69.
- Smoski, M.J., Felder, J., Bizzell, J., Green, S.R., Ernst, M., Lynch, T.R., & Dichter, G.S. (2009). FMRI of alterations in reward selection, anticipation, and feedback in major depressive disorder. Journal of Affective Disorders, 118, 69-78.
- Smith, M.A., Greene, J.L., Lyle, M.A., Iordanou, J.C., & Felder, J.N. (2009). The effects of repeated opioid administration on locomotor activity: 1. Role of an opioid’s relative selectivity at mu and kappa receptors. Journal of Pharmacology and Experimental Therapeutics, 330, 468-475.
- Smith, M.A., Greene, J.L., Felder, J.N., Iordanou, J.C., Lyle, M.A., & Walker, K.L. (2009). The effects of repeated opioid administration on locomotor activity: II. Cross-sensitization to cocaine. Journal of Pharmacology and Experimental Therapeutics, 330, 476-486.